Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dogs of War update

So it's been a while since I talked properly about my Dogs of War army. Plans slowly change when you're painting. At the start of the Tale, I decided I'd be painting stuff willy nilly, whatever I felt like. If need be, I could paint lots of Regiments to fulfil the points per month.

Of course, October was a bit of a set back. Asarnil or more appropriately, Deathfang is more effort than expected. Didn't help that I had the Australian Go Nationals, Mordheim terrain building and the Bloodbowl Grand Finals to compete with my weekend free time.

Also, some guys decided to attempt their own 'Tale of' kind've thing at the local game store, with the idea to take the army to tourneys around Australia. Now that changes things, because now I need to make a somewhat proper army.

So now I've got a few goals to head towards.
Goal 1 : Get to 1000 points. Hopefully shouldn't be too hard, especially when Asarnil becomes 'done' (Since he's almost half of that).
Goal 2 : Get to 1750 points by March. There's a local tournament at that points level, would be good to attend it.
Goal 3 : Get to a fully fledged 2500 point army by June. Again, another tournament at that time at 2500 points.
Goal 4 : Just paint up the rest of my stuff, regardless of performance value. A lot of my models I have gotten because it's like "Hey cool, Cursed Company" or "Pikes are what Tilea is all about right?". So you know, I don't want to lose focus after I get my 'competition' army done, but want to go ahead and paint all the rest of my models.

Anyway, here are the latest photo's to do with my army.

Here's my Beast Lore Hireling Wizard. He's an old Amber Wizard model, so I thought a bearskin toting Wizard fits regardless of whether he's Empire or not.

Here's just an updated photo of my Marksmen in full. Maximillian Damark sighted fully done for first time. I can't remember if I posted the full unit on here, since the previous image was pretty dark and couldn't see much.

And that's all for now. I certainly have more stuff in the works, and hopefully I get some more stuff done soon so I can post about it.