So, November has seen a surge of activity from me for my Dogs of War. Asarnil still continues to sit on the back burner, but I did get my 200 points done for the month, so a good bounce back compared to October.
First up, is the now completely finished Beast Wizard. All that's been added really since last time is the grass on his base. Still, I'm very happy with how he has turned out in the end.
Next up are everyone's lovable Halflings, Lumpin Croop's Fighting Cocks. These guys were both fun and frustrating to paint. Very hard to paint the lower half of the body, since they're so tiny. However, they're great charactful models, so really enjoyed painting them. Not happy with how Lumpin's Shield is though, I think I just rushed it. Really need to go back and revisit it someday, as I had no real direction when painting it.
Lastly is the stuff I've been working on recently. I have also assembled some more Duellists! But they'll show up fairly soon when I paint them. But yeah, working on the Bearmen of Urslo! I already have the Beorg miniature, so it's just a matter of converting up all the Bearmen. I'm trying to keep the appearance of the models in line with the old models when I convert figures, so everyone's gonna have their fur pelt draped on their back. Also sculpting the Bear Standard as well, which has turned out reasonably so far. Anyway, it's fairly easy to do the conversion work on these, and I think they look great so far!
And that's all for now. Got a lot of work ahead of me, I still need to do my 200 points a month and then some to make sure I'm ready for GobboCon in March. But I should pull through! I'm sure as GobboCon approaches it'll kick start me to get Asarnil done (Since he's about 1/4 of the army! So I need him done by then!).