Thursday, September 10, 2009

Been a Little While

So yeah, been a little while since I've posted. I've been pretty busy with lots of stuff to be honest.

For starters, I didn't quite get my guys done completely for the Tale of Fantasy Painters. Maximilian Damark I didn't finish, because I wanted to give him a bit more attention. That also meant I didn't put grass on any of the Marksmen bases (Want to do them all at once). The good thing is though, once I have them done, I'll have 280 points of Dogs of War painted. I'm going to be working on Asarnil this month. I ordered some bits (yet to arrive) to also make him on foot, just in case Deathfang gets shot out from underneath him. That does however mean I have to basically do all my green stuff work on Asarnil himself again. Deathfang still needs work, really need to get him done so I can figure out what I want the base to look like.

For my Marines, failed. It's painful, but I really need to get on with them. Considering I jokered the first month, not only do I have to paint the original 5, but need to paint the rest of the squad as well. Maybe I'm in a bit over my head, as I think with my Blood Angels I've really stepped up the quality of my work as well.

Kroq-Gar I couldn't finish either. I wanted too, but just didn't have time and decided not to rush it. It's unfortunate, but that's just the way things go. I would rather accept not getting it done on time, rather than rush it and not get it looking as good as I want.

Khemri team haven't been looked at since Shrikebowl. With no tournies in the near future, they'll probably be put on the backburner until I get some more free time. It's sad though, because they probably need the least amount of work to be complete.

I got Space Hulk last weekend as well. It looks brilliant. Unfortunately I cut my finger pretty bad trying to get Lorenzo off the sprue (not bone deep, but still deep). That kind've killed the rest of the weekend for modelling. I've managed to get in one game though against my brother. We played Suicide Mission. I won both times (as marines and then stealers), but I also had a somewhat better idea of what was going on, and had some fairly decent dice rolls and command points when I needed them. Due to lack of time, unfortunately I'm not gonna be painting these guys anytime soon. Terminators might get some attention while doing my Blood Angels though.

Tto make matters worse. In addition to having to split my time between Dogs of War, Blood Angels and Champions Online, the Mordheim buzz has been going around. It's due to start after the Bloodbowl season is over, which means I've started (just last night though) making a warband. Gonna roll with the Possessed, and convert up the entire lot. Should be a lot of fun!

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