Saturday, January 2, 2016

New Years Resolutions

Happy New Year anyone who reads this little blog!
Today's topic, Resolutions.
Everyone always does this around the New Year, what do they want to accomplish during the year to come. What's going to make their life better, more enjoyable, more fulfilling. And no doubt, many resolutions don't end up being fulfilled for whatever reason. I can't even remember mine from last year :). I'm sure I made some hobby resolutions like paint more than I buy, that kinda thing. No idea whether I accomplished them or not, because I never really kept track of what I painted and what I bought.
So I think, I need smarter goals. Ones that don't specifically need me to keep track of numbers throughout the year (Such as models purchased or models painted). So here's my resolutions for this year.

1. Southern Escalation Age of Sigmar League
I am running an escalation league at one of the clubs here in South Australia. I want this to be successful, as I believe Age of Sigmar works best in this kind of small scale environment.
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) People show up to the Campaign Days that are held once a month
B) The League goes for the expected duration of 4 months
C) At least 4 other people actively participate in the league (Play games, write hobby blogs, write fluff, etc).
As long as the above are fulfilled, I will be happy.

2. Chaos Undivided Age of Sigmar Warband
Linked to point 1, one of my current hobby projects is painting a Chaos Undivided Warband for Age of Sigmar, specifically to use during the Southern Escalation League. This is part of promoting the league, because if I as the organiser aren't promoting the various hobby related points to it, then who will?
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) Have at least the Deployed Troops each month painted
B) At least twice a month, write hobby articles on how my Warband is progressing
C) Write a fluff/battle report post at least once a month on the trials and tribulations of my warband
D) At the end of the Campaign, have my entire force painted (Does not include models not used during the campaign).

3. Dungeon Saga
I picked up Dungeon Saga in the recent Mantic Games kickstarter. I failed previously with painting Arcadia Quest, possibly related to the fact I haven't played either game yet. I don't want that to happen with Dungeon Saga, as I find it somewhat relaxing to actually paint this (Possibly because I'm not trying to go over the moon with them).
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) The Core Dungeon Saga set is painted
B) The extras I got as part of the Kickstarter (Heroes, Orcs, Abyssals) are painted
C) Host at least 1 game of Dungeon Saga during the year with a fully painted set

4. Fantasy High Elves
My High Elves are my current 9th Age/Kings of War army that I am painting. They are currently not on the painting bench as I am focussing on the Chaos at the moment, but I currently have about 1200 points painted. I want to double that so I can run a fully painted army in larger games of 9th Age and Kings of War.
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) Finish painting 2500 Ninth Age/KoW points of High Elves (must be able to write a list for both that meet this to be met)
B) Play at least 1 game of Ninth Age with a fully painted High Elf force
C) Play at least 1 game of Kings of War with a fully painted High Elf force

5. Warmaster High Elves
I played my first game of Warmaster using a mix of my own models, and my opponents High Elf models back in October last year. I really enjoyed the experience, and am keen to get in a game or two more in the year to come, ideally, with my own models!
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) Finish painting 1500 points of Warmaster High Elves
B) Play a game of Warmaster

6. Bloodbowl
Bloodbowl is a game I love and play also. Lately the scene has been a bit poor, with our local league basically collapsing with nobody playing games. But as always, I do want to take a new team to our states premier tournament every year, with the long goal of getting NAF ranked with all 24 teams.
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) I finish painting a completely playable team for Southern Shrike Bowl 2016
B) Finish painting the SSB 2015 MVP figure in time for SSB 2016.

7. Terrain
Before the GW Embargo, I bought a whole bunch of terrain and a Realm of Battle board from overseas. The board I finished a while ago, but has had limited use since (3 games played on it). I also recently hosted a game at my place, and most of the terrain I have is unpainted, so doesn't look as nice as it could on the tabletop!
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) I have at least 10 pieces of terrain fully painted
B) Host at least 4 games at my house during the year

8. Purchasing and Selling
Finally purchasing of course. I like many wargamers out there, have accumulated a vast amount of hobby material over the years. Lots of grey plastic sitting in boxes that are crying to be assembled or painted. So of course, I would like to get more of it painted, more of it in use, but there's a limited amount of hobby time through the year. Overall would like to curb the amount of stuff I buy, and sell off some of the stuff that I won't be using.
This resolution will be fulfilled as long as the following are met:
A) Only buy models for armies I already am collecting
B) Start a maximum of 1 new force during the year (For Warhammer, 40k, KoW, Whatever Else comes up)
C) Any army that is not used in the next year, should be considered for the chop list in 2017
D) Sell any armies/models I am not expecting to use in the future anyway

And that's it for now! Some hopefully fairly achievable goals. My only concern is a lot of these are what is on the mind in the short term, and who knows what the hobby situation will be like in the latter half of 2016. I think the best way to keep track of it will be to create a Hobby Goals page, where I list these plus anything else that comes up during 2016.

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