Saturday, June 27, 2009

Current Projects 1

So, now that I've got most of the introductory stuff out of the way. What the blogs about, what stuff I collect, etc. I figure now it's time to go through what's currently on my workbench. Since I just attended a tournament with my Lizardmen, and didn't get everything painted (I'd rather tak my time, than rush for a tournament) - my Lizards are probably going to be updated only every so slightly for a while. I do need to fix everything that ended up breaking (A few things unfortunately) and finish painting my Engine of the Gods and Temple Guard, but it can wait.

I think I'll go through my Lord of the Rings stuff first. Most of this is on the back burner, since it's not important to get done immediately. However, every now and then I'll grab a model or few and just convert or paint them.

I actually forgot to list my Lord of the Rings stuff in the previous post, so now's a good time to introduce them anyway.

Dol Amroth for Gondor

I like the look of Dol Amroth. They're the models that have got me collecting, so it makes sense to collect them. To offset the fact that everything Dol Amroth is metal, I've got some plastic Warrior of Minas Tirrith that I'm converting into Warrior of Dol Amroth. Basically same deal, just a bit more chain instead of plate and a swan on their shields. Nowhere near the War of the Ring army I want, but hopefully I make some progress.


Just a little project really. Since I have the Mines of Moria boxed set, I figured I might make something of them since I don't usually sell my stuff. I'm converting up the plastic gobilns. Basically getting the armoured guys together for Gundabad Blackshields, while converting the spear goblins into Prowlers (Goblins with Double handed weapons). I have also converted a Cave Troll to have a different pose from the plastic Cave Troll (Since I have two, I want them to look different). Not sure what direction I want to take them in, I think in the end I'll get a bit of everything.


Lastly I have the Fellowship of the ring. These are really just a painting project. I managed to get the Mines of Moria boxed set fairly cheap, and wanted a look at the Lord of the Rings rules. They're not bad to paint I think, a bit of everything and colourful. I actually really enjoyed painting Gandalf, and I think he turned out really well (He was also the first one I painted as he doesn't need too many colours).

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