Wednesday, July 1, 2009

During the week...

So, during the week I've been a busy bee. I've been working on a few things at once, as you can only do so much green stuffing before you start ruining other parts that need to dry. So I've been doing various bits and pieces for both my Khemri Bloodbowl team and my Dogs of War.

First up is my Khemri. I have been working on both my Mummies, and building up a few regular Skeletons. The mummies I have been making replacement arms, and you can see one here.
That one is currently attached now. I've done the arm band, and the wrappings around the hand. So now I've got to finish the wrappings on the rest of the arm. The other mummy is in a similar state, just a tad progress wise behind (Started him later). I've done the arm band for the other mummy, but need to do the wrappings on the fist before attaching the arm and finishing off the wrapping.
Skeletons are a bit different, as I need to build up seperate parts. Generally I do the ruined cloth as one stage, a belt to hold it up as another, and then finally a big round belt buckle to display the skeletons number. The upper torso is generally easy, as I just make a scarab shoulderpad on one arm once the arms have been glued on.

Next are my Dogs of War. The first thing I have to show, are pictures of my Mercenary Captain that I've been spieling on about. He doesn't look like much more than a foot soldier here, but his pike has a different style pike head (I'll take a picture of it later) and he'll have the mandatory cloak of course when it comes down to it. I think I may end up giving him boots as well to make him more impressive, but I'll decide on that after I make a cloak. Of course, I do love the look I've given him. I think he looks pretty cool chugging down that alcohol.

Next is a little piece I've been working on. The Voland Venator miniatures cost an absurd $95AUD for 5. That is utter baloney for what I assume is part plastic, part metal miniatures (I'd be surprised if the horses were metal). Considering the Venators look almost the same as Empire Knights, just with different helmets. So I took the suggestion of M4C from and started chopping up and greenstuffing the Knights Panther helmets.
I think they look alright, especially when I paid probably $30AUD for my Empire Knights I'm using for the Venators. Quite a price different to $95AUD ;). I'm gonna try custom sculpting Volands head. I've done a few scratch sculpts before, a Witch Hunter or two. Not saying I'm brilliant, but gonna give it my best shot! If it coms down to it, there's a moustachio comb-over State troop head which could probably pass off for Voland if it comes down to it.
Finally I've got a more up to date picture of my cannon now. The chasis has been extended, and gaps have been filled, etc. I think I'm almost at the point where I can glue the end on (I don't think I'm gonna extend the Chasis anymore). Just gotta finish off the barrel now, then aside it goes until I start painting my Dogs of War.
The big thing I need to do I think on my Dogs of War though, is come up with a game plan. What do I want to include? Make 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500 point armies building upon each other. At the moment, I've been making what I have. But at some point or another, I'm gonna have to actually decide what I want to fill my rare and special slots up with. What about my core, heroes, etc. I have a few wizard models, so I'm set in that department. But since I have a cannon now, leaves rares open for Asarnil, Giant, another Cannon or a Hotpot. It's a hard decision, as I would like to make both Asarnil and a Giant (Well, 2) but to keep focused and getting a useable army, rather than mix-match of unuseable stuff I need to pick one and stick with it.
Tough decision, eventually of course I want 2 Giants because I want to convert them into the Giants of Albion (Already have the Hengis model) which would be awesome, and of course, can use them as regular Dogs of War Giants as well.
So yeah, decisions to make. But for now, Volands Venators, my Captain and of course, the Khemri team that needs to be done should see me through a bit.

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