Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Get me back into the fight!

Well, it's been almost 5 years since I've posted in this blog, but it's time for a reboot!
For the last 5 years, I've been hobbying along. I don't think I've made huge progress, mainly been working on rebooting my Lizardmen with new models for 8th edition Warhammer.

With the advent of Age of Sigmar, I've been branching out a bit. Don't get me wrong, I quite enjoy Age of Sigmar and the style of game it is, and will be talking more about it below. But I have diversified my Hobby, and have been looking into some of the Mantic offerings on the side.
I attended a Kings of War tournament after having only played 1 demo game (I was hoping to get some games in before it, but it didn't eventuate). Did pretty poorly, but the game was enjoyable.

I also picked up Arcadia Quest and Dungeon Saga in terms of Board games over the last year. I haven't managed to play either, and I'm thinking of getting rid of Arcadia Quest. I've only painted like 6 models in Arcadia Quest, and I guess I'm not finding motivation to paint them up. Additionally my current board games group, I think they might not take to it as it'll be long to set up (And with partners around who aren't so interested in learning complicated rules, it's hard to get into these things). Dungeon Saga on the other hand I blitzed through about 20 models, and am having fun painting some simple things again.

I also haven't been all quiet on the Warhammer front. In fact, I played a game of Ninth Age last night against Doom and Darkness, and will post a link when he gets that bat rep up.

Lastly, at the current time, I'm the one leading the war efforts for getting an Age of Sigmar community going. I haven't played many games, but I do really enjoy the laid back style of the game and the scenario driven agenda it has. I think it's terrible without some kind of setting and scenario to play (i.e straight out of the box). The lack of balance is something the community has quickly fixed themselves with a myriad of points systems available.

Down here in South Australia I will be starting an escalation campaign that uses the popular points system Independent AoS Pool System. There hasn't been too much interest so far, but whether it's 4 or 20 people, I'm sure we'll have a blast.

So a big part of re-starting this blog will be to assist in getting the community involved with Age of Sigmar. Whether I post hobby updates, battle reports, current thoughts, tactics, hopefully some people will enjoy reading about it.

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