Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Southern Escalation

As I talked about briefly in my last post, I'm organising an Escalation Campaign for Age of Sigmar at the Southern Wargamers club in South Australia.

Here are links to The Escalation Pack and a Scenario Pack I've created.

The basic idea was to scale down the popular Independent AoS Pool Choices from the default 20 played pool choices, down to something smaller. I've also taken some comp rules from the Clash of Kings comp pack, but not all. This is important, because I'm not after a completely fair experience that is wanted in a tournament game. I want I guess what GW are trying to push, a more scenario driven and cinematic game. So one of the most broken things like summoning, I have relaxed a little in this pack. We'll have to see how this plays out.
It is potentially a little scary stepping outside the bounds that more experienced players of Age of Sigmar have set, hopefully everyone will come into the campaign with a fresh, clear mind and not go in wanting to abuse the system.

At the moment the thing I'm worried about most however is the lack of feedback. Nobody has commented, good or bad, about the pack. I've had a few people say they will play, but no feedback. The scenarios also haven't been presented yet, and certainly are basically untested. So no idea how things will really play out.

Anyway, fears aside, I'm hoping this Escalation Campaign will be the motivation for people to start up some small armies for Age of Sigmar. I've put in the main document, but essentially a Battalion and a Hero will get your month 1 stuff, and then it's basically adding a unit or 2 each month. I think very achievable.
I am certainly using it as a driving force for myself, to start an Undivided Slaves to Darkness Warband. It's something I've wanted to do for years now (after picking up the Be'Lakor and Crom the Conquerer models), but never really wanted to for WFB because nobody wants to play small games (like 1000-1200 points), but I didn't want to build a 1500+ point army.
So a little while ago, I made the dive and bought some cheap second hand Chaos and basically have all the models I need for the campaign.

And I'll leave it there for now. There'll definitely be more posts about this in future, but thought this can be a little prelude into future campaign posts.

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