So here's part two. Warhammer Fantasy is my main system that I collect, so that got a post of it's own. The other systems I really only have 1 or 2 armies in, so they can all go in one post.
Warhammer 40kBlood Angels - I started off Warhammer 40k with Blood Angels. I bought a big lot of models from a guy at school, sold off the stuff I didn't use and went from there. So really, it's a bit of a mish mash of stuff I have for my Blood Angels. Personally I think I intend to sell off all my old models and restart them soon, as I'm not really that fond of my old painting (Given most of it was over a coat of paint already).
Space Marines - With the advent of Assault on Black Reach, you could get Space Marines super cheap. So I decided to do so. Originally I wanted to convert stuff to plastic Grey Knights, but... the whole idea of getting them was to have a side project that didn't require much conversion in the first place (Doing it alongside my Empire, which required lots of conversion), so I just paint them really. I like how they look, and generally have almost gotten a proper army done (Commander, Terminators, Tactical Squad, Rhino, Dreadnought, 2nd Tactical squad just needs basing). Next I plan to add an Assault Squad and Land Speeder to the army, as well as some Heavy Support sometime down the track.
MordheimWitch Hunters - I picked up Witch Hunters box back in 2002 I think. That's basically my only entry into the system. I like the idea and design behind Witch Hunters, so I really enjoy the warband. Unfortunately I really only have the warband box + warrior priest for my warband. Since Specialist Games support is minimal, I can't really flesh them out by getting more hounds and models.
Misc - I have a few miscellaneous Mordheim models that I intend to use either in my Warhammer Fantasy armies, or I just bought becaus I liked the look of them. This includes Aenur, the Sword of Twilight, Kislev Ranger, Elf Mage, The Female Vampire persona.
BloodbowlOrcs - I started off with an Orc team. Why? Because Games Workshop were out of Chaos Marauders when I went to buy the box. Still I don't mind that, I had a lot of fun converting and painting the team. They're almost completely done as well! Only have to paint 2 more Blitzers, finish the Troll, find 2 suitable goblins and finish another Thrower. These are the guys I took to Southern Shrike Bowl 2008 and came last! (It was pretty much my first time playing, and I took some silly skill choices).
Lizardmen - Had to have a team of Lizardmen of course. Since they are my warhammer fantasy army, it just makes sense. Had plenty of models lying around, so I just did. These guys have served me well, and I think they ended up looking fantastic.
Khemri - Currently one of my work in progress teams. I hope to get them ready for Eucbowl in late July. Not sure if that's going to happen, but I need them done by then for both Eucbowl and the next season of the Adelaide Bloodbowl league I'm a part of.
Norse - Got some Marauders cheap, so decided to go back and do them. I've started, but have not gotten far on them. Got sidelined until my Khemri are done.
Epic ArmageddonSpace Marines (Blood Angels) - Well... not really. I bought a box that has the Tactical and Assault marines in it. I'll see how the painting goes, and how much I enjoy it. So yeah, just for painting at the moment and we'll see how they go.
Unchartered SeasI don't know much about Unchartered Seas. I'm getting a few fleets and the rulebook. Don't know if I'll end up playing, but I chose fleets that I think looked kind've nice. I like the look of the Dragon Lords, so they were a must. I got the humans cause they look kind've good, and should be a good guest fleet if anyone else wants to play. Bone Griffons I think looked pretty decent as well. These are currently on order, so I don't have these models yet, I'll definatly be posting when they come in though.