Sunday, August 9, 2009

Dogs of War update

So it's the weekend, which means I've been busy painting and modelling. The Marksmen are going well and are on schedule! This is excellent news, as it'd suck to out of sync with my plan so early. Basically I've only got the Crossbows, and then little bits and bobs in the sacks that some of them carry to paint (Which is going to be the most trouble, figuring out what stuff is suppoed to be in there). I've also started painting up my Paymaster, his golden armour is finished and I'm moving onto other parts of the body. My intention is for him to have brighter colours than the rest of the army (Which will be more natural earthy colours like my Marksmen) so he stands out more.

The major focus for todays update though, is the Dragonlord himself, Asarnil! I've been slugging away at my conversion ever since I got the High Elf Dragon Lord boxed set. Mainly it has been work on Deathfang. I wanted to achieve a look that was pretty much exactly like the artwork.

Unfortunately reposing the body didn't work out that well. I think it would probably be easier to scratch build the body if I re-attempt something like this in future. The armour plates I think are probably the main culprit, but just putting in a lot of bends means you have to smooth out a lot of stuff. Still, I've given up on that idea but still converting some things to be more similar to the artwork and to keep it more distinct than a regular High Elf Dragonlord.

As you can see, I've modified Deathfang's head a bit. Asarnil doesn't use reigns in the artwork (Well, none of the old dragons had reigns, but my excuse is Asarnil's just that good!). The High Elf dragon only has room for either the big horns or the wavy ear things, so I placed the wavey things below the horns and I think it turned out well. There are no horns on either head as well, so I took the time to add a few horns.

Above is Asarnil's Shield, finally finished. I've been working on this just before I started working on Deathfang. I think it turned out well in the end, and should hopefully look a treat when it's fully painted up. Asarnil's Shield was definately one thing I wanted to do, as it would immediately distinguish him from the vanilla Lord.

Just yesterday I started working on Asarnil himself as Deathfang I'm done with for now. Deathfang will get more work once I figure out how I want to base him (At the moment, I am thinking flying rather than launching off a rock to be more unique). Here you can see that I have modified his greaves to be more Dragonlike. His shoulderpad for the lance arm will get a similar treatment once I am done with making the Dragonheart amulet. The head will stay the regular Dragonlord head, as I didn't want to ruin that (And to be fair, it looks more impressive than the Artwork one).

I think I have two major hurdle's remaining for Asarnil now. One is the seat. I think I will keep the Dragonlord seat, but chop off the top and sculpt a Dragon-type thing to gup there. That's going to be a challenge sculpting a Dragonhead that small. The other hurdle will be the basing, at the moment I'm thinking of having two brass rods stick up from the base and drill into Deathfang. He'll just sit on the rods, similar to how pinning works without the glue. That way he can be removed for transport. I guess I've now thought of a 3rd hurdle (Although I've already known about this) and that is his wings. They make a long model, also wide. Gonna have to think about them as I'd prefer for them to removable as well.

In other news. My conversion of Kroq-Gar on foot is finally finished. Good timing as well, as it gives me 3 weeks to paint him and the Paymaster (Paymaster for Golden Pike 2, Kroq-Gar for Golden Old One). I've also started my Blood Angels for the Tale of 40k Painters. I don't think I've talked much about that, so I'll leave that too when I actually have a post dedicated to them. Unfortunately my poor Khemri team seems to have been forgotten. I really need to paint them as well! As after failing to get them done for Eucbowl, the new target is Southern Shrike Bowl (29-30th of August). It's a very very busy month...

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