Friday, August 7, 2009

Heralds Call

So, while I was on my lunch break just then, I realised that I had not talked about how my Khemri team is going in the league. No wonder I thought there was a large break between my last two posts.

So far I have won all 3 of my games. The first one I have already detailed earlier.
My 2nd game was against a Human team. I felt kind've bad about the match, because the coach is new to the game and Khemri with their 'Bash, Bash and more Bash' attitude isn't exactly the motivation one needs to continue on. Basically a lot of the game involved me squashing her players into the dirt, and her picking them back up again in the following turns. In the end I won the game 2-0 and winning the casuatlies 2-1. I didn't maul her team or anything (only badly hurts) so it was alright, but again, feel kind've bad for her having to play such a game.

The 3rd game was against Dwarves. Now personally, I don't enjoy playing Orcs or Dwarves. They're pretty much all armour 9, so it's unbelievable hard to remove them from the pitch and they can generally bash pretty well to boot. Basically the game was all about how lucky we were. I basically never broke armour 9, at all. I made a point of targetting his Slayers as they could put (and somewhat did) put the hurt on my Mummies. But all I could get were stuns. It was quite frustrating that he managed to knock out mummies and even took one out badly hurt (Which meant I only had 2 mummies on the pitch during the last part of the game) while I couldn't do squat to him. Basically, the game went as follows. Due to a riot and me shoving Mummies in his face, he didn't manage to score in the first half. The 2nd half saw me bring the ball up to the halfway line, then attempt to make a dash for it. Some untimely skulls saw an opening, but my Thro-ra managed to stay on his feet. In fact, he was very lucky. He survived a total of 5 dice against him, not one showed an inkling of any kind of pow, and then managed to dodge away (using my re-roll) and make the go-for-it to grab the winning touchdown.
Was definately a very tough game, just a little dissapointing I couldn't manage to hurt any Dwarves.

Next game up is against Orcs. Not going to be fun, as I'm down to 11 players while he has about 14. No way with my majority armour 7 will I win the war of attrition. It's going to be tough, and I'm not looking forward to it! I guess luckily there is only one more 'tough' team left in my division, another Orc team. The rest are pretty much Elves, so I should be able to lay down some hurt on them.

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