Sunday, August 23, 2009

Tale of X Painters Update

So, here's my second update this Sunday afternoon.

As mentioned previously, things have got a bit haphazard with the Champions Online beta coming out. This last week of August is extremely busy, with lots of stuff needing to be done by the end of the week.

First I've got Southern Shrikebowl on this weekend. That means I need my Khemri team I'm taking in an acceptable state, as I really wanted to get them done for Eucbowl but didn't want to rush them. I won't rush them this time either, but I'd like to at least have the basic colours and wash done on all models.

I've got to get my Paymaster done for the Dogs of War Online Golden Pike 2 competition. He's also for the Tale of Fantasy painters. He is no problem, in fact as I type, he's almost complete! Just feathers and boots to finish!

I have to finish Kroq-Gar for the Pyramid Vault competition. This is the real tough one, as I don't have much motivation to paint him because he requires a lot of attention. I really need to do it though (Since I'm the one who's been promoting this one as such a good idea and all! It would be fairly bad if I myself didn't manage to enter).

And then of course, the 2 Tales on top of that. The Marksmen of Miragliano are within working distance of the goal. It's realy just some boots, hands and crossbows remaining. They're just taking a back seat for now, as I'll easily be able to do them I can just do them a day or two into August.

The Marines however... I really hope to get them done is all I'll say. I put a lot of effort into the one I'll be showing a little further into this post. The red has about 5 layers, while the blacks are about 3. That's a lot of work, but I think it's very worthwhile! We'll see how things go, I should be able to focus a lot better after this week is over.

And here are the pictures.

First up, you can see my Paymaster is almost complete! At the time of taking, the hands, feathers, staff and boots are unfinished. Since then the hands and the staff are done, and the boots are being worked on. Not sure what to do about the feathers yet, I'd like them to stand out so he stands out more.

Here you can see my first Blood Angel I've painted in a long time. He's not complete obviously! The Bolter needs to be painted as the firstmost priority. Then I still need to do the Blood Angels emblem and company symbol. There's also the backpack. Still he looks quite nice, and I'm pleased with how he has turned out.
In other news, a few things arrived last week, as well as a few more things to come. My package arrived from America, containing a fair few things for me! First and possibly most importantly, the Cursed Company! I managed to snag 6 blisters + the Command for a fairly reasonable price! Very awesome, as apparently they go for zonks on ebay. I also have ideas on how to increase the size of the regiment using plastic figures.
Also included, were 4 blisters of Bugmans Rangers + the Command Blister. I have a Bugman figure as well, so these will be some mercenary Dwarves in my army! They'll be a smallish sized unit of Dwarves with Great Weapons, should be cool.
I also purchased a random pile, that had a painted Borgio the Besieger model without horse in it. That was pretty much the only reason I got this bunch (There are a few other cool models in it as well though). He'll need to be stripped, but I'm glad I managed to get my hands on him.
In addition there were some random bits and pieces. I snagged an old metal Amber Wizard to use as a Beasts Wizard, an Imperial Noble who looks dashing and cool. The Ice Queen model I've been after and got that, not necessarily for my Dogs of War though.
I got a handfull of Long Drong Slayer Pirates as well in another purchase, 6 of them in total. My brother has 9 of his that he may give to me, or I may get some in an auction off ebay (But not fussed either way).
Still to come, I've got 2 boxes of Leopolds Leopard Company for the cost of 1! Very nice. 3 of them won't be useable, but I can live with having to purchase a blister down the track.
I also bits ordered some more stuff. Got a variety of High Elf bits, so I can in turn make an Asarnil on foot if he ever gets Deathfang shot out from under neath him. I like to have unmounted versions of guys that can have their mounts killed, just in case!
Phew, that's a long post. But that's it for now, more news from me as I get things done!

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