So, it's been an interesting few weeks.
For starters, my second match to get me into the Semi-Finals was cancelled. My opponent was pretty crook and couldn't make it to the original time. I told him to call me up if he felt better during the week, but never happened.
So... free ticket into the Semi-Finals.
The semi and grand final were held on the one day, with the Semi's starting in the morning while the Grand Final starting early afternoon.
To be honest, I don't remember much of my Semi-Final game. All I can remember, is that it was a damn good game. I know it started off well for me, I think I turned over the opponent and a fairly large scrum happened where I was losing the numbers battle, but came out slightly ahead with a touchdown. In the 2nd half, I think the opposite happened , where I got turned over and a touchdown scored on me. So we went into Sudden Death Overtime at 1-1. I went into it with no re-rolls, but a full team up against 8 Orcs. Looked like it may have been over at one point, I had used my numbers advantage but he was giving a last ditch attempt at a pass to a Black Orc. Pass went wild, and I capitalized by getting many guys on the ball and driving up the field. Came down to turn 24, where I had to blitz my way out and a go for it on the line! Luckily my luck held strong and I got my touchdown.
That's unfinished business part 1 taken care of. These Orcs had tied against me earlier in the season by a miracle touchdown. Part 2 was now to defeat Dark Elves in the grand final who had given me my only loss of the season.
The Grand Final was an odd game (and so was the fight for 3rd place). With no idea on how progression will work next season, people pretty much emptied their treasuries. I went full force, a Wizard, Hack En Slash and 2 Bloodweiser Babes. My opponent took a Wizard. Game was looking to be ordinary in the first turn, he received, one sided defense and running up the field for a 2 turn touchdown until...
His ball carrier tripped. That's right, fell flat on his face stunned, losing posession of the ball. Now here I was thinking "My, all those other Elves look like a nice Fireball target if they only stood still" and that chance happened upon me. Fireballed 7 Elves, 3 knock outs, 2 stuns. Not a bad result for zero turns worth of work.
I ended up grabbing the ball and making my way up field while smashing the crap out of the Dark Elves. Crowd pushes, regular thumpings, the works. I was wary of a Lightning Bolt on my ball carrier (up field on his own, but no Darkies in range) but decided to stall a turn. So scored on my 7th and that was pretty much the Half.
I was feeling good about the second half. 1 up against Elves and I was receiving, couldn't get any better. However, I focused a bit too much on one side with a loose cage going up the sideline. Fireballed and snagged the ball carrier. A Dark Elf waltzed in, to pass the ball, and fumbled it... into the crowd, and the ball ended up where he basically wanted it anyway. Not so good a result, the Dark Elves capitalized driving down the other side and scored on the 4th.
So a draw game with 4 turns to go. The Dark Elves pretty much kept on sitting a few lines back to stall my advance, while my guys struggled forwards, going right, going middle, going left. Eventually I had to take a bit of a risk, I left the ball carrier open for a Blitz that would be 2 dice against. Luckily the Dark Elves screwed up earlier than that (But not before putting some pressure on the carrier). So after a few pushes around the place to get tackle zones off the ball carrier, he waltzed in with a go for it on the line to grab the 2nd touchdown.
At this point, it was the end of my 8th. So only a riot could save my opponent. Low and behold, a riot turns up on the kick off table! Crap I think! But then I roll the dice to see what happens, and the game moves forward. End of game!
It was a great game really, in fact, pretty much the opposite of my previous game against these Dark Elves. Last time I could barely break armour, but this time I seemed to do it plenty (I actually ended up killing both of his Witch Elves). He started off with 16 players (odd for Dark Elves, but with no inducements in the finals, it could be done). By the end of the game, he could only just field a full team (About 4-5 sat in the knock out box most of the game, he didn't get a single knock out back until the last drive that got riotted). So yeah, payback for the loss earlier in the season complete :D
So with all that done and dusted, the Khemri rose to the top of the league. The Heralds of Osiris brought death and destruction and managed to win the Grand Final.
Now back to their tombs they go, a well earned rest. Most likely won't be playing them again next season. I think LRB6 will probably kill them, and I want to take the opportunity to play another team. It's plausible though that I may ressurect them in a later season.